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The Beginner’s Guide to Medical SEO: What It Is and How It Can Benefit Your Practice


Marketing Blink STAFF

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Introductory guide to medical SEO to improve healthcare practice's online presence.

One of the few sectors still operating in a world where practically everything can be purchased digitally is the healthcare sector. However, it doesn’t negate the need for healthcare providers to improve their internet visibility.

They urgently need it right now. Modern patients visit their doctor in person but frequently look for the best physician online. Four out of five (80%) respondents to a poll conducted by Doctors of more than 1,700 American adults said they had used the internet to look for healthcare-related information in the preceding year.

The majority of responders will also select a provider who has a strong online presence and provides easy-to-access, pertinent, and interesting medical content.

You would need to outrank your rivals in search engine results for important keywords, search terms, and core services if you wanted to increase the success of your practice.

Here are some tips for developing a powerful and successful medical SEO strategy and ranking variables.

What is Medical SEO?

Medical search engine optimization, or medical SEO for short, is raising the search engine ranking of your healthcare website to attract and convert more patients seeking medical care.

In other words, to explain what medical SEO for medical practices is a technique for healthcare marketing that helps your website, and pages rank better in search results for pertinent keywords that potential patients are using to find you. By doing this, website traffic will increase without paying for advertisements.

Let’s take the example of a practice that focuses on vascular disorders. Within milliseconds of a patient searching for a doctor for varicose veins on Google, listings for nearby vascular experts will appear on the search results page.

The page with the highest algorithmic scores is at the top of the search results pages, while the bottom or following pages receive lower scores. Unless your medical website is optimized for local search results, the patient seeking a varicose vein doctor won’t find your name.

As search algorithms advance and the level of competition for medical website SEO rises, it is essential to have a thorough medical SEO service plan.

Why Is SEO Important For Medical Practices?

Today’s patients frequently use search engines to discover doctors and research medical topics. Thus SEO makes perfect sense. Without it, you’d pass up significant chances to attract clients looking for your services. Although patients increasingly use internet resources twice as much as they do referrals, this is not to argue that referrals are no longer necessary. You require a high SERP position to present your practice to these potential patients.

Most search engine users only pay attention to the first few organic results on Google. Therefore high rankings are required. In actuality, 68% of all clicks go to the top five organic rankings.

Elements of Medical SEO

By optimizing your website, you may make it simpler for potential patients to locate you online and for search engine websites to understand your website.

To accomplish effective healthcare SEO, you must concentrate on these elements of medical SEO.

Off-page SEO

Improving ranking characteristics that aren’t directly related to your website is the goal of off-page SEO.
To verify a website’s credibility, Google considers backlinks, relevant online directory listings, and Google My Business evaluations.

You probably have accurate practice directory listings and many reviews if many websites connect to your website. As a result, patients will be drawn to your clinic and wish to use your medical services there.

On-site SEO

On-site SEO focuses on enhancing several elements of your website, such as the keywords you employ, the value of the content, and the individual pages’ quality.

The search terms that local patients in your area use to find healthcare providers comparable to you can be found through keyword research. Google and other search engines adore reliable information that thoroughly explains subjects. Don’t hesitate to display your leadership by consistently posting new, engaging information.

Major search engines also put a lot of effort into providing local results for patients, including websites for nearby practices. Including your name, address, and phone number on each page is crucial.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO includes all of the unnoticed factors that affect search engine results, including the design and optimization of your website.

The Most Important Healthcare SEO Strategies

However, concentrating on more long-tail keywords and location-based content can do passably well here.

Your website will be better positioned to outrank your rivals if you utilize the proper SEO to get your medical practice in front of the correct users.

The most crucial healthcare local SEO tactics for the healthcare industry are the next seven.

Regularly Audit Your Medical Website

Regularly conduct a complete SEO assessment of your practice website to create a baseline for how it is doing in terms of medical SEO. Additionally, doing this will give you a tool to gauge the success of your entire SEO medical marketing initiatives.

1. An audit of a website includes:

  • Amount of site health
  • Report on-site security
  • Building Blocks for On-page SEO
  • Content analysis of the page
  • Research on competitors
  • Monitoring of faulty internal links
  • Page speed test results

2. Fast, Secure, Mobile Friendly, and Optimized website


If your website takes more than three seconds to load, most visitors will leave. Because they strive to provide the greatest resources, Google knows this and would not rank a slow page at the top.

How quickly ought your website to be? Google claims the cutoff is two seconds, but they strive for less than half a second. Even though security is the most crucial ranking element, page speed is close behind.


According to research, eighty-five percent of customers would back out of a transaction if data was delivered via an unsafe connection. Most of them wouldn’t even visit a website that was not secure.

Every organization must prioritize security. You have issues beyond SEO if your healthcare company’s website isn’t secure (HTTPS).


In the last six months, 77 percent of smartphone owners have used their devices to identify nearby medical services, according to Google. If a mobile site is simple, most users are more inclined to return and share it.


A significant ranking signal for a web page is its Meta title tag. Although Google can now automatically generate Meta descriptions based on the content, the Meta description used to be more significant.

3. Exceptional Content

Content is king in medical practice SEO. It should be loaded with pertinent and high-quality material to show Google and your potential patients that your website is an authority in that niche.
In organic search results, your website will rank higher the more authoritative it is.

4. Specific Keyword Use

You must write content center on your healthcare specialization keywords to optimize it for SEO. While each profession is distinct, the majority of patients choose local care.

You might employ a healthcare SEO specialist to find out what your patients are searching for, or you could make an educated guess as to what keywords they might be using. Avoid overloading your content with keywords; if Google discovers this, they may penalize you.

5. Authority Link Building

Did you know that one of Google’s ranking factors is connections back to your website? Search engines like seeing many distinctive domains connecting to your website to confirm its legitimacy.

The quality of your links, including those on your website, directory listings, and even social media profiles, will have a greater impact on how well you rank in search engines.

6. Optimized Google My Business Profile

Modern patients prefer local healthcare providers, and since 2015, searches featuring the phrase “near me” have increased by twofold. Consequently, you require a Google My Business page that is competitive and optimized.
You’ll need to be found in Google’s local packs by nearby patients. Four to five business listings, referred to as a “local pack” are displayed above organic search results. On mobile, it’s the only result that can be seen without scrolling down.

Several sources are used to compile Google’s local packs, but most come from your Google My Business Page.
Verify the accuracy of the following information:

  • Company Category
  • Main telephone number
  • Company description
  • Hours of operation
  • Address or service area
  • Reviews

7. Generate Online Reviews for Local SEO

Obtain as many favorable internet testimonials from pleased clients as you can, particularly those that mention particular processes you want to rank for in search engine results. This procedure can be made more effective for your practice by automating reviews.

Create a tool your patients can use at your institution to provide a 1–10 rating of their overall patient experience. Those that provide good ratings will receive an automatic email asking them to post a review on your website. These favorable comments will be shown right on your website.

However, individuals who provided low marks wouldn’t be left behind. You can ask the patient to go into more detail about their complaints so you can address them and enhance your reputation management.

Benefits of Medical SEO to Grow Your Practice

Like all SEO, SEO for doctors or for the healthcare industry raises internet presence and generates traffic. But more crucially, it can bring in new patients and leads for a hospital—often at a lower cost than advertising advertisements. Additionally, authoritative, high-quality SEO material may inform many patients—present and potential—and foster trust, both beneficial for establishing credibility and fostering business expansion.

Additionally, it’s critical to remember that every 20th search is related to health, and 77% of people use search engines to find appointments with healthcare providers. Healthcare SEO enables you to capitalize on these facts by utilizing the search demand within the sector.

Brings Quality Leads

Your ideal patients will be directed directly to you, which is one of the key advantages of using SEO to expand your medical practice. The visitors that find your website using a search engine didn’t just happen to come across it. They were expressly looking for you. But the brilliance is right here. Perhaps they weren’t looking for your practice’s name.

They might have found your website in the search results while looking for a nearby medical facility or a service your practice offers. You may increase the traffic to your medical website and expand your medical practice by optimizing it with the right keywords.

Get Your Pages to the Top of Google

A practice or hospital would mostly use customized healthcare SEO to rank highly in the search engines. If you have a solid SEO plan, people will find you through organic search. (It’s not the same as the paid search or PPC articles you see at the top of Google. Later, more on that.)

Targeting specific keywords will help you do this, as was already said, but that’s not all you need to accomplish. Along with optimizing Meta descriptions, tags, and much more, it’s crucial to ensure your Google My Business profile is thoroughly and accurately put out for the local search.

Rank for the Important Terms

To start ranking for those key terms, you must inform Google of your major services (and that you are an authority in your industry). When your SEO approach is effective, you’ll begin to rank for search phrases that are really entered by users and are relevant to your company.

Just keep in mind that people don’t type “musculoskeletal disorders.” Inputs like “spinal surgery” or “back pain” are more common. Your authors and SEO experts should concentrate on these keywords so people can find you when they have a problem. Gaining the trust of potential patients now while they are seeking information will help you later on when they are ready to make an appointment.

Educate Your Patient Through Medical SEO

Many medical practices still update their blogs with new content. In addition to giving you a chance to rank higher in search engines, producing content pertinent to your practice will also give you a chance to educate patients.

SEO for medical practices can benefit patients to learn from posts on topics like what to expect before a specific treatment or how to by learning to come prepared with the proper questions. A continuous, quality blog is another approach to demonstrating the breadth of knowledge in your practice.

Establish Authority and Trust as Benefit to Medical SEO

Search engines place useful resources at the top of search engine result pages when they find them. Users typically trust the results on the first page of a search and barely look at the results on the following pages.

Being the first result in a search (and being there) indicates that you are a useful resource because search engines are continually improving their algorithms. As a result, your practice becomes more visible and gains the respect and authority of your local competitors.

Choosing the Best Medical SEO Agency

It’s not simple to design and maintain a medical website. It all comes down to spending countless hours producing and updating content. The process of developing a decent website style involves trial and error. It concerns the laborious digital marketing process, which guarantees more visitors to your website. It is possible to simplify the design and administration of SEO for medical websites. One of these is working with a trustworthy, respectable medical SEO firm.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an abbreviation. A medical SEO business may assist medical professionals in maximizing the online presence they have to build their brands, increase their reach, and increase foot traffic to their offices. You may increase your ranking on search engine results pages by working with a reputable SEO team. Working with an SEO company also frees up your time so you can focus on developing your practice and other, more important elements of your business.

You may grow your company online while concentrating on your patients and practice by working with a reputable medical SEO provider. When choosing a medical SEO agency, take into account the following.

Assess Your Business Goals

Find a medical SEO provider that supports the objectives of your company. You can locate an SEO business that can help you advertise your objectives online, whether your goal is to offer the most reliable medical service or the most knowledgeable medical information.

An SEO company can also assist you in promoting short-term objectives like opening a new office or clinic, increasing income, or hiring new employees. So, choosing the finest organization for your requirements can be aided by a rigorous review of your company’s short and long-term goals.

Your Company Size and Scale Matters

The size and scalability of your firm are two key considerations when choosing the best medical SEO Company. An SEO company specializing in serving businesses is the greatest option if you run a huge organization or a corporation with multiple locations.

SEO companies that serve enterprise-level businesses might offer long-term, complex digital marketing solutions. While this happens, a minor medical facility or office may choose SEO firms to create temporary campaigns without long-term obligations or contracts.

Consider the State of Your Current Website

How well is your website doing? Does it provide leads, or does the design look dated? What adjectives best describe you? What type of advertising do you employ? Numerous elements affect how well your website performs, and taking into account each of these factors can assist you in choosing the best SEO agency.

You can start an audit of your website to get professional results. An audit will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your website. Hire an SEO business specializing in writing online copy if you discover that your material is not holding the attention of your visitors. You might require an SEO business offering web development services if your audit reveals slow website loading and other issues.

What Are Some Available Medical SEO Services?

Some medical SEO firms include content marketing in their list of services, while others could additionally offer site construction. The majority focus on on-site analytics and give audits, which aid in developing fresh, improved SEO efforts. The ideal SEO Company to hire should be determined by your business objectives.

Select According to Case Studies and Overall Expertise

To assist you with your efforts, you should go with an established medical SEO agency rather than a brand-new business. But how can you tell which business will deliver the best outcomes?

The majority of SEO agencies use case studies and reports to promote their prior projects. These can be obtained through the company website and other online sources. Top businesses that SEO agencies have previously collaborated with are occasionally highlighted. If you can’t locate these on the website, email the business to express your interest in their services and request access to any case studies they may have.

Final verdict

The field of search engine optimization is constantly evolving. What functions today may not function tomorrow. Google claims to have 200 ranking variables. However, each component has a varied weight and can (and frequently does) change over time.

Partner with a reputable medical SEO marketer familiar with the complexities of developing digital marketing strategies in healthcare to build a powerful, attractive online presence. You may dominate your local market and achieve the greatest results on SERPs with the aid of the top medical SEO Company. Using these techniques, you can locate the ideal SEO team that will automate your campaigns and frees you up to focus on your clinic and your patients.


How to do SEO for medical?

Let’s now discuss how your healthcare firm might get comparable SEO outcomes.
Step 1: Use social media and a Google business profile to gather reviews.
Step 2: Produce Useful Content Using Keywords.
Step 3: HTML Tag Optimization for Your Website.
Step 4: Connect Your Websites.
Step 5: Build listings for local SEO.

How is SEO used in healthcare?

Optimizing a healthcare facility’s online presence to attract more attention and visits from search engine users is known as healthcare SEO (or medical SEO). Your website can rank higher in search engines by adjusting certain elements and promoting positive online mentions from other domains.

How much does medical SEO cost?

To market your website to local searchers, you, as a healthcare provider, may also wish to invest in local SEO. The monthly local healthcare SEO costs range from $300 to $2000. When working with an established local SEO service, this price should include the following: local keyword investigation.

Do also read our other informative Professional SEO services blog post: Medical SEO Services | Guide To E-Commerce SEO | Difference Between SEO And SEM | Organic SEO | SEO Expert | Affordable SEO Services | Benefits Of SEO | SEO Cost | What Is SEO

Marketing Blink STAFF

Jason Zack

Senior SEO Writer At Marketing Blink

Hi, I’m Jason Zack, a Senior Content Writer at Marketing Blink. I have a Master’s degree from Stanford University. I love creating content that engages people and drives results.

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Jason Zack

Senior Content Writer At Marketing Blink