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Tips to boost your eCommerce Store on Black Friday 2022


Marketing Blink STAFF

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How To Boost Your E-commerce Store on Black Friday

Black Friday sales are the biggest holiday sale of the year – That’s when billions of people shop, as the biggest shopping day kicks the U.S market in the holiday season. 

In 2021, there were record-breaking sales in the five days of the holiday from Thanksgiving Thursday to Cyber Monday. According to a report, last year:

  • In America, there were almost 88 million online shopping records from e-commerce stores
  • In-store shopping increased by around 19% in 2021 
  • Black Friday sales reached up to $8.9 billion 
  • In the five days of the holidays in 2021, the all-around sales were record-breaking from the previous year over 4.5% which reached up to $887 billion

Online sales are reaching higher every year and Black Friday e-commerce sales are growing rapidly in the entire U.S. This shows how much people are into Black Friday sales and other holiday sales but for that, there is a lot of struggle a marketer and brand manager needs to face while promoting their websites for these holiday sales, because if the opportunity is huge, so are the competitors. 

2022 is about to end and these holiday sales are just around the corner. The Black Friday sale of this year is expected on November 25, 2022, and to boost your sales more than the previous year, there are some tips and strategies you need to know to increase the sale in your eCommerce store.

Tips and Strategies to Boost Your Black Friday E-commerce Sales

Remember, you are not the only one who is throwing a huge Black Friday Sale, some competitors are working and arranging the sale in the same way. But what will make your sales different are the strategies you make for the e-commerce store before and during the black Friday sale. It is all about the website, the more appealing your e-commerce website will be, the more e-commerce sales will increase. The appearance of your website matters a lot especially when it is an e-commerce store website.
Regardless of the impression of your website, there are other major steps you should never neglect to boost your Black Friday Sale – Listed below are the few of those steps:

Marketing Campaign for Black Friday E-commerce Sale

Test the website 

People never stick to a slow website. Your website must be fast enough, and load in 2 seconds; this surety is a must when you are about to make an online sale on your website. If your e-commerce store is WooCommerce based, then you should add the cache plugin to increase the speed and Magento 2 is already a full-page cache, which means you don’t need to add any plugin for the speed.

Ease the Customer’s Journey 

An easy journey to and through your website means a happy customer. It is very important to understand the obstacles your customers are facing while shopping online. Here are some points to make your Black Friday Sales easy for your customers:

  • Add a chatbot for answering questions 
  • Show the prices and discount offers on your products
  • Show different angles of the product
  • Add buyer’s review on every product if possible as it maintains trust in your online store

Create a Black Friday Sales Theme on your website 

To attract customers to your website, you need to create a Black Friday theme on the website that must be appealing enough that customers cannot stop themselves from shopping from your e-commerce store. Add creative banners, newsletters, and blogs to increase the looks and customer traffic on your website. 

Keep the Tactics High of Your E-commerce Store for the Black Friday Sale

Here are some ways to retain your websites in the overall time: 

Set a countdown 

Adding a countdown on the sale majorly plays with human psychology. People will always wait if they think that they can buy the product on the next visit.  To counter that, add timers or countdowns on the product to create a feeling of urgency so that the customer does not wait and buy the product immediately. This is an important tip to boost Black Friday sales. 

Set bundles offer 

What if your e-commerce store starts to sell two or three products together in the form of a bundle? This is a way to attract customers to the Black Friday sale as they must be thinking they are buying multiple products under the same price, which in their perspective will be lower than the actual price; but a good e-commerce marketer knows the trick.

Innovative Ads Tips for Black Friday E-commerce Sales 

During the holidays when everyone is scrolling for holiday sales, your e-commerce store must be the one coming into their feeds. Organic traffic is not enough to generate traffic on your website and for that, you need to run paid marketing ads to promote your online store. 

Here are some points to make an effective marketing campaign for Black Friday e-commerce sales: 

Ads on every social media platform 

People are using every social media platform in their daily routines. Be it Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Google, everyone is using everything. So why not create impressive ads on every platform to gain more customers? This is one of the best ways to increase sales on your e-commerce store during Black Friday. 

Remarket your previous customers 

Isn’t it better to remarket on the customers who already purchased products from your e-commerce store and have trust in your store? Spend your marketing budget on people who already trust you and inform them about the black friday sales and discount offers. It will work more than the new customers. 

Facebook Messenger Ad

Facebook Messenger ads are now bringing many potential customers for many brands and online stores. How people will ignore an ad that is directly sent to their inbox? They cannot, so it is an effective way to increase your Black Friday e-commerce sales through Facebook ads.

Final Words 

The holiday sales season comes only five days in a year and if you will make every effort to boost the sales of your e-commerce store, it will be a profitable year for you. Especially, the Black Friday sales are a source of great profit for your store. If you follow every tip you will definitely cross the sales and profit you estimated for the year. 

Marketing Blink STAFF

Jason Zack

Senior SEO Writer At Marketing Blink

Hi, I’m Jason Zack, a Senior Content Writer at Marketing Blink. I have a Master’s degree from Stanford University. I love creating content that engages people and drives results.

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Jason Zack

Senior Content Writer At Marketing Blink