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Cutting Edge Instagram Marketing Strategies For Your Business

Grow your following and drive engagement on Instagram for increased brand awareness and enhanced ROI
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Make the most of the second biggest network after Facebook and stand out amongst the crowd, using professional Instagram Marketing Services by Marketing Blink.

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A picture is worth a thousand words

The popularity of Instagram has grown manifold in the last couple of years, thanks to the growing number of users on the platform and the App’s continuous evolution, to now being the most trusted platform for visual content. But it’s also becoming increasingly popular among the business owners as well, to have the edge over other social media platforms due to its visual nature. Brands now have a massive opportunity to literally present their products and services visually in front of their desired audience, and interact with them on a regular basis to stay relevant and reliable at the same time.
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Humanize your brand, inspire your target audience, and generate new leads

Businesses with an Instagram presence have a greater number of opportunities to make new connections with their target audience, in a manner that makes their brand appear more human and reliable. This means that the quality of your visual content has to be properly strategized and well thought out. Instagram users nowadays are smart enough to detect forced content that lacks authenticity.

With Marketing Blink you can humanize your brand and make your content more reliable, with a well-designed Instagram Marketing Strategy. With our Instagram Marketing Services, you can reach out to millions of potential customers who are ready to convert. 

Instagram Marketing
Services We Offer


A well-rounded Marketing Strategy

We design marketing strategies based on your unique brand goals and the specific needs of your target audience, to hit the mark and get you your money’s worth.


Aesthetically appealing visual content

Once we have designed a comprehensive marketing strategy for your Instagram, we then focus on designing aesthetically appealing visual content for your brand. This includes static posts, gifs, videos, and other visual content that engages customers. 


Content promotion

A good content has the power to get instant attention, but sometimes even the best things go unnoticed in a crowd; so as a part of our Instagram campaign, we promote posts as ads to keep your brand in front of your target instagrammers at all times, so as to increase brand visibility and recall. 


Real-time Monitoring

Our work is not done yet. We also offer 24/7 monitoring of your Instagram that includes responding to activities, customer queries, likes, comments, and direct messages to humanize your Instagram presence. 


Regular Reporting

Our Instagram Marketing Services also include sending out regular reports to our clients, to keep them updated on the growth of their followers and overall popularity of their Instagram presence.

How Do We Make A Winning Instagram Campaign
For Your Business?

We’ve built ourselves from the ground up and our values
have always remained intact; they’ve been instrumental in defining and gauging our success, while being the qualities that we look for in our employees, partners, vendors, and our clients as well.

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How Does Instagram Marketing Work?

A successful Instagram marketing strategy requires time and effort, along with an in-depth knowledge of the Instagram population and its constantly changing trends.

Setting up a complete profile

A complete profile is a trustworthy profile. It’s important to brand the profile image, add a descriptive bio, and pin engaging story highlights onto your Instagram profile with your website link, to give out a reliable personality to your brand. 

Getting new followers

We are all conformers, which means the more people
follow you, the greater are your chances to be seen and heard. And the growth of your followers depends upon your interactions with people on Instagram. Instagrammers tend to believe and trust more in profiles that reflect more user-generated content. Following other accounts and interacting with them is another key to getting new followers.

Keywords and hashtags

Instagram is a gigantic network and countless content is available in this space for people to discover. A good way to find out your desired content is searching with hashtags or looking up keywords. Using keywords and hashtags in your Instagram posting helps people find you and increases the likelihood of new followers.

Regular posting

In order to be seen regularly, there should be a regular schedule of postings, so your brand stays relevant at all times.

Sharing content on stories

Stories are available for 24 hours and remain at the top of a user’s feed, making it a brilliant way to capture attention and share timely content for continued promotion of your visual content.
We, at Marketing Blink, can help you establish a winning Instagram presence and maximize your results by providing a result-oriented Instagram Marketing Strategy.

Get in touch with us to learn more about
our Instagram Marketing Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Instagram marketing is used to increase brand visibility, engage audiences, display products/services, and generate traffic or conversions through aesthetically engaging material.

Instagram ad costs vary depending on audience targeting, ad format, and competition. Costs per click or impression can range from a few cents to a few dollars on average.

Carousel advertising is quite effective on Instagram. They enable displaying many images or videos in a single advertisement, engaging visitors and communicating a more thorough message.

Image Ads for engaging visuals, Carousel Ads for multiple images/videos, Shopping Ads for e-commerce, Reels Ads for short videos, and Video Ads for dynamic storytelling are the major forms of Instagram Ads.