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SEO happens to be the most cost effective way to expand your brand’s reach. However, it is not easy
for small businesses to attain the desired digital success, when there are much bigger brands that can easily outrank the smaller ones; considering their massive marketing budgets, access to unlimited resources, and an in-house team of SEO experts.

Marketing Blink being an experienced small business SEO company, helps you compete with the high-ranking brands, and unleash the full ranking potential of your brand.

With us, you will get custom SEO strategies, tailor-made for your business; and designed specifically to help you outrank your competitors, big and small both.

Our advanced technical SEO strategies for small business websites will have your brand upgraded, and place you
at the very top of organic search results.

And All of This; Without Exceeding Your Budget!

Our Turnkey Solutions For
Small Business

With an expert team of small business SEO consultants, Marketing Blink caters its
clients with only the best, yet affordable SEO services.

Competitive Analysis:

We conduct an extensive competitive analysis, which results in a comprehensive report guiding us to digital success. It entails the top keywords being used by successful competitors, along with the available opportunities that can give your brand a dominant position in the market. After getting a read on your competition, we can strategies and work towards making you the market leader.
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Preliminary Audit:

We make sure to conduct an introductory audit before taking on a client. This allows us to only take the clients for whom we can definitely deliver results; along with helping us to set realistic targets and deadlines. To ensure that we deliver what we promise.

Keyword Research:

Targeting the right keywords is absolutely the most important aspect of SEO, and also the most common mistake that businesses make; hindering their online visibility.
The keywords you’re using, might not necessarily be the keywords that your target audience uses for search. Our research team carries out in-depth keyword research to discover the most appropriate and popularly used keywords, flooding your site with traffic. 

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On-page Optimization:

As soon as the keywords are uncovered and finalized, to target the ideal audience; that’s when the website optimization process starts, which consists of placing those keywords in all the right places to ensure the search engine crawls and identifies the website as relevant to the targeted search.

Technical Optimization:

The reason your website is not getting to the very first page of the keyword, is because; website takes a lot of time to load, broken links, no sitemaps, etc. Our team will guarantee to not let these factors come in between your success.
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Off-page Optimization:

This service increases the authority of your website, by drawing quality back-links. Since Google perceives each link to your website as one vote; we focus our resources towards getting you as many natural links as possible, which results in your website outranking the competition. A few of the things required to do so are; content creation, social sharing, website submission to directories, and a
lot more.

Content Creation:

Content is the undisputed king for SEO. So our focus is to consistently renew and update the existing content, along with creating fresh content for the additional pages and blogs, helping your brand gain authority by deriving massive amounts of traffic and generating leads consequently.
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Connect with Our Experts, To Get a Comprehensive Plan and a Quote

Marketing Blink is the Best Choice, Because?

We Are Unstoppable in Our Relentless Pursuit of Offering The Best SEO for Small Businesses
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Marketing Blink - Specialized in
Affordable Success

To Dominate The Search Rankings,

Fill this out; and begin your journey to the top!
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