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Leverage LinkedIn as Your Go-To B2B Marketing Platform


Marketing Blink STAFF

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A Guide to LinkedIn Marketing A B2B Marketing Platform

Marketing in today’s world has changed its ways entirely. In the last couple of years, many changes and upgrades were seen in the marketing techniques, especially during the time of Covid-19 – As we all are well aware how Covid-19 pandemic confined us all, making the virtual world of internet our primary go-to for everything.

But social media platforms never disappointed us even in crucial times. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 83% of marketers are using social media platforms for B2B marketing solutions, as it is one of the most cost-effective and reliable ways. 

Undoubtedly, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are playing a massive role in social media marketing for brand awareness or promotions. Apart from these platforms, there is one platform that was neglected for a very long time but when the users came to know about the potential of this platform, it instantly became one of the leading marketing platforms, that is now used by millions of people all over the world. This accommodating platform is LinkedIn” which has around 675 million users and every second there is an increment of 2+ members.

According to the statistics:

  • 94% of B2B content marketing is done on LinkedIn
  • 89% of leads are generated from B2B marketers
  • 70% of salesmen claim to be active on LinkedIn

These statistic show the excessive use of LinkedIn for B2B Marketing strategies as it is considered one of the most advantageous marketing platforms. Before moving towards B2B marketing on LinkedIn, it is very important to know every aspect of it. 

LinkedIn B2B Marketing: What Is It?

B2B marketing is when a service-providing company markets its product or services to other service-providing companies. For example; a company is selling a product to a company that is a manufacturer itself, but requires another product or service. In other words, the B2B market is in between two businesses that promote their brands within them. 

And if you are into B2B marketing then LinkedIn is a gold mine for you. 

LinkedIn B2B marketing is the most efficacious and influential marketing method to promote business products or services to a professional audience. LinkedIn has numerous numbers of professionals from every industry or field looking for better opportunities every day. With the advertising features of LinkedIn and useful tools, it helps in targeting the audience you desire to reach and showcase your product or service because the targeted audience can be a good decision-maker, which can save time for both parties. 

That’s why B2B LinkedIn marketing is a popular way because it always works. 

How to Optimize LinkedIn for B2B Success?

It can be said that ‘B2B digital marketing on LinkedIn’ is a prevalent method for driving engagement and gaining an appropriate audience for our business.

Since LinkedIn B2B marketing is an effective marketing solution, there are many ways to optimize LinkedIn for attaining success in the B2B market – Some ways are:

– Create a LinkedIn corporate page for your business

The first and most important step is to create a company page that represents your company and its main goal. Use the same username as used on other social media sites and add your company’s logo. A suitable description of your business page is necessary because it identifies the nature of your business. Your LinkedIn corporate page should be strong enough to achieve your desired audience. 

– Optimize Your Business Page

Marketing with LinkedIn could be much easier if your business page is fully optimized. This is because clients who come across your business page through the marketing strategies must be looking for a summary of your product or service you provide. For this, use relevant keywords in the summary for that the client could reach easily to you. Moreover, make it look like a professional business page with a proper cover and profile image. 

– Post Frequently

In the B2B market, clients always look for experienced service providers because they are also running a business and for that, the client needs to know how much you are aware of your product. Likewise, in B2B LinkedIn marketing, maintaining the page is required and for that frequently posting is important. Postings could be about products, related industries, news, or blogs that show the client that you are involved in the business, and also show that your business page is always active.

– Join Groups

Joining LinkedIn groups could be beneficial because of many reasons. Firstly, joining groups on LinkedIn for B2B marketing, helps you engage with more people related to your business as well as people who are interested in your business services as it is a source of driving engagement and making connections. Secondly, joining groups can be a source for getting more tips and information about your business. 

– Add LinkedIn CTA (call-to-action) buttons

Another way for driving engagement in LinkedIn marketing is to add LinkedIn call-to-action buttons. These CTAs are customary, which means that you can add these CTAs of your own choice. For example, adding a CTA to know what your LinkedIn audience wants, or adding a call-to-action button like ‘contact us’ or ‘visit website’. 

– Establish Strategic Connections

For LinkedIn marketing, it is very important to establish strategic connections. It is important to know to whom you are connecting and why you are connecting because LinkedIn focuses on the quality of people. For that, you need to establish connections with people or businesses you know are useful for your business and can give you some profit in return. Create a default note when reaching out to a specific profile and inform them of the reason you want to connect. This is one of the B2B marketing solutions. 

– Post Interesting, Valuable, and Genuine Content

Condensing the interest of your audience and then making impressive and valuable content is the best way on LinkedIn for B2B marketing. Analyzing the trending topics and researching the relevant subjects then sharing your views and perspectives on your business page is a source of engagement as it will give a good impression about your business and your progress. But make sure to optimize your content with the use of compelling headings, and suitable keywords to boost the visibility of your content. 

– Show Case Testimonies

It is obvious when the reviews on your profile or business page are positive, it will automatically generate leads on your profile. For that, try to showcase testimonies of your clients and people who liked, commented, or recommended your page. This will help in building the trust of your business, making it more considerable. 

– Leverage LinkedIn’s Search Tools to Locate Sales

Fortunately, LinkedIn has some robust features that not only help in finding the contenders but also make it easy for the user to find them. In B2B Linkedin marketing, you need to know people who are interested in your business and for that LinkedIn is giving you an online free feature through which, you can search for members from your industry by using relevant keywords. You can also use Linkedin’s Sales Navigator which is a paid feature for further effective research. This can help you make a one-on-one relationship with the contenders. 

– Leverage LinkedIn community features

Community feature is one of the usable features on LinkedIn. It enables you to conveniently build connections with users, clients, or profiles that are related to your field as LinkedIn offers two standard community features that are groups and influencers. Both features are the source of engagements, and connections, to gain knowledge about your respective field and to have clients. 

– Showcase Your Team

Your team members are the ones who identified the real profile of your business. Show the profile of your employees, and share their posts or achievements. This builds trust among people and it will humanize your business by displaying your team members. 

– Use The Right LinkedIn Ad Objectives

LinkedIn is a vast platform when it comes to advertising and it costs 28% lower than google AdWords. So if you are looking for driving engagement in B2B marketing on LinkedIn then using the right LinkedIn ad objective is a must. Whether it is an awareness campaign or promoting one, you need to target the right audience by choosing the correct formatting like dynamic ads, text ads, or message ads. 

– LinkedIn InMail

This LinkedIn feature allows you to mail or message people who are not connected with your LinkedIn account. Basically, in a free account, you can only send messages to your connection but this premium feature allows you to message or mail people who you think could be interested in your business. For digital marketing on LinkedIn, a premium account is essential.

What can we anticipate for B2B LinkedIn marketing in 2022?

In this technological world, technologies are evolving every day and the same can be considered in digital marketing. Likewise, digital marketing on LinkedIn especially in the B2B market is now one of the most trending B2B marketing solutions. 

Brands and businesses are focusing on many social media platforms and LinkedIn is one of them which is helping in capturing professional profiles for business engagement and connections. 

There are many expectations we can build from LinkedIn because, in today’s market, LinkedIn is a source of profit for many businesses. It is also expected that in the coming five years, LinkedIn will be a fee-driven model with premium alternatives that can bring a big change in the B2B marketing solutions. 

Key Takeaways For B2B Marketing with LinkedIn

B2B marketing on Linkedin is measured to be an affection marketing method as many successful results are analyzed by this. No matter if your business is small or big, all you need to do is to market your business, market your brand and show the world the capability and potential your business has.

You can also apt to partner with a digital marketing agency, such as the market leading Marketing Blink, offering digital marketing veterans that will help you unleash the potential of your businesses.

Marketing Blink STAFF

Jason Zack

Senior SEO Writer At Marketing Blink

Hi, I’m Jason Zack, a Senior Content Writer at Marketing Blink. I have a Master’s degree from Stanford University. I love creating content that engages people and drives results.

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Jason Zack

Senior Content Writer At Marketing Blink