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The Ultimate Guide to International SEO in 2023


Marketing Blink STAFF

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Guide To International SEO and it's Benefits

Can we transcend international borders? The firm is expanding abroad, and the bags are prepared, but is SEO also prepared? It seems like a record scratch just came on. You must be here for a cause then, right?

It may be because your global expansion strategy is still raising some doubts, some of which might be SEO-related global SEO services. If SEO is already a settled issue in my company, why would it not allow me to pack my bags and travel abroad?

Well firstly, SEO is a never ending topic – And secondly, what works for you might not be as effective for your friend’s company; and what is successful in your community or nation might not deliver similar results elsewhere.

Worry no more – This article offers an in-depth understanding of everything you need to know about the well-known international SEO concept, so there will be no more unanswered disquiet.

Ride along! On this journey we will explain how to develop your SEO strategy abroad, and take over untapped markets.

The Concept of Internationalization

You’ll see that “international SEO” refers to people talking about decision-making and technical components of the international expansion of a website.

Additionally, it aids in your comprehension of concerns related to global competitiveness, enabling you to develop an effective digital strategy and assess the competition, before working towards growing your business.

We want you to consider several concepts that we are employing, but cannot afford to ignore internationalization and global competitiveness. It is crucial to realize that their execution requires a significant amount of labor, and we will need your willingness to accept these requirements, including those of SEO services in USA.

There are a plethora of opportunities available internationally. This will undoubtedly be your motivation while you carry out your global project. 

Additionally, we have information for you that is sure to inspire you even more. Companies that internationalize, regardless of their size, are much more competitive, productive, and resilient to micro and macroeconomic changes – in comparison to the companies that don’t. According to AFI (International Financial Analysts of Madrid). Thus, it is evident that internationalization offers several benefits. As a result, using the Internet as your ally creates opportunities for you to cross all types of borders.                              

What is International SEO?

Optimizing a website or blog for international search engines enables you to effectively target specific markets or languages for your company. International SEO can be considered as the geolocation of SEO, where you optimize your website for other languages and locales, rather than your city, state, or a country.

In other words, despite what the name might imply, international SEO is more common than you might think.

The International SEO Guide

International SEO doesn’t have to be too difficult; but it does need to be done correctly. This is true even though the issue can be considered quite technical; here’s my attempt to make it simpler for you and ensure that if you’re developing a website to target a particular country, it may be found in the relevant search engines.

Even if you’ve written your content in that country’s language, a search engine will only know which country you want to target if you explicitly target it. You must specifically guide the search engine bots exactly where to crawl and index your information. This is what global SEO entails.

Preliminary Thoughts

First, although your primary targeted keywords may receive a certain number of searches at home, the same keywords might not perform the same overseas. Consequently, it is essential to conduct keyword as well as competitor research specific to that region and its language. SEMRush’s guidance on studying your key terms for new markets is extremely useful for this.

Second, you should determine whether you already receive traffic from particular regions. Use Google Analytics under the “Audience” section’s Geo > Location tab to examine your current traffic from other nations and languages.

Third, while Google is the king of the home region, it may not be the same everywhere. China, Russia, Japan, and other nations in Southeast Asia all use Yandex instead of Google as their primary search engine. At the same time, other South East Asian countries also use Baidu (where Baidu, Bing, and Naver are pretty big). Use this helpful website to perform some research to learn which search engines are popular around the world; it will help you concentrate your efforts in the correct direction.

How to Succeed in International SEO?

This step by step process will help you succeed in international SEO, you have to follow all the steps and have to work on them accordingly to enterprise SEO.

Step 1: Assess your most profitable foreign markets 

Use the Google Analytics tool (or your SEO platform) to analyze where most of your traffic is converting, and conduct keyword research to recognize the demand and traffic potential in the international market.

Step 2: Identify the search engines to target 

Research and conclude which search engines are primarily used by people in the country or region you are planning to target. Examples include:

Russia uses Yandex and Japan uses Yahoo.

Step 3: Consider local laws that will influence your site and its SEO and content 

Laws and regulations can influence how you structure your website and it is an effective factor so make sure to consider it.

Step 4: Choose the right URL structure 

Follow the right URL structure:




Step 5: Localize the site pages in the target language 

Content considerations


Internal linking structure

Step 6: Track your global performance 

Monitor SEO metrics to make sure your site ranks for the correct country. This signals success or failure for your international SEO strategy!


Most company SEOs have to start considering going global sooner or later. Although the problem may initially seem intimidating and will be an international SEO company. I hope this guide has given you a strong basis to advance your efforts. For further information and guidance, you can reach out to the leading digital marketing firm Marketing Blink – With expert digital marketeers, and pocket-friendly marketing plans; Marketing Blink is the perfect solution to all your digital concerns.

Marketing Blink STAFF

Jason Zack

Senior SEO Writer At Marketing Blink

Hi, I’m Jason Zack, a Senior Content Writer at Marketing Blink. I have a Master’s degree from Stanford University. I love creating content that engages people and drives results.

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Jason Zack

Senior Content Writer At Marketing Blink