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Tips To Drive Traffic On Your Social Media


Marketing Blink STAFF

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Tips To Drive Traffic On Your Social Media Accounts

Nine out of ten marketers claim that social media is the best platform to generate traffic on your website and it is a big fact. Our social media platforms are playing an important role in reaching websites. In fact, many potential customers are gained through social media. But getting the customer to your website through social media marketing or engagement can be a tricky task, especially when your business has a limited budget for paid advertisement

Social media is a source to generate traffic to your website, but how to take the customers to the social media platforms is the main job. 

Some people are handling social platforms on their own, but some businesses have hired social media marketing agencies for better results, but in the end it all depends on the tips and tricks that are used to generate traffic on the website through social media. 

Some of the tips are here to help you understand the power of social media that can be used to enhance traffic and potential customers: 

Make Your Content Visually Attractive 

People need to know what they are buying on social media because most people think that social media is not a trustworthy platform for purchasing products. To clear their doubt, make sure the visuals and images are attractive and obvious to the customer which brings satisfaction to them for the product. 

People need validation for the product before making any purchase and that’s why a study showed that around 85% of people purchase the products based on clear visuals. 

If you have hired a marketing agency for SMM services then they are responsible for capturing attractive visuals for your social media platforms. 

Master Instagram 

Around 80 million photos and videos are uploaded on Instagram daily and it seems like Instagram is a source of great profit for many businesses. As we mentioned good visuals above and, Instagram is an ideal platform to show these attractive images and visuals to the visitors of your page which helps to convert these visitors into potential customers. According to the brand analysis data, Instagram generates the highest level of engagement as compared to all the other social media platforms. That is why Instagram content and images must be creative. It must include: 

  • Vibrant colored visuals 
  • Well-designed layout 
  • Visuals that tell a story
  • Engaging captions, etc.

An Easily Shareable Content 

Data collected from ComScore shows that 40% of people use social media and websites on their mobile phones. That’s why every marketer and social media marketing service provider should understand the power of mobile-friendly content. 

As we are living in a mobile age, make sure your content is easy to read and more notably, easy to share. 

For this purpose, add social media buttons that are mobile-friendly so that it could be easy for the readers to share the content. But mostly, people leave the content halfway, that’s why it is important to understand where to place the social media buttons. 

Your social media marketing agency will help you all over the process.

SEO Must Be Improved 

Integrating your content when SEO is the best practice a marketer can do for the traffic of the website. As digital marketing is growing immensely, it is important to understand how to market the content in an effective and useful way. 

SEO plays a very important role in generating traffic to your website. If you have properly integrated SEO with your content then the results will be:

  • Improvement in the visibility
  • More sales and leads
  • Connects the right audience 
  • Increase the social media traffic

Research Your Competitors 

In this competitive world, it is very important to understand the strategies and techniques your competitors are using. For that, you need to take out a social media competitive analysis, or your social media marketing services provider will help you with this. 

Through this analysis, you can easily understand the metrics of your social media and your competitor’s social media which will help in understanding the audience response of both. 

The analysis will give you an insight into the competitor’s strategy but it doesn’t mean that you need to follow the same strategy, it will just help you shape your marketing techniques and strategy. 

With the help of this analysis you will understand:

  • Types of content that are published
  • Engaging social channels 
  • The day and time of posting and much more.

Engage Your Audience 

Engaging your audience on the social media platform means being present on social media. If you will show your presence to your audience on social media, they will surely trust your page and will definitely visit your website to become your potential customers. If you are managing your social media channels efficiently, it will automatically generate traffic on your page as well as your website. 

You need to answer your customers for a better customer experience and be there for answering their queries. Building an audience on the social media platform is a time taking process but if you will do it correctly, you will reach the goal eventually. 


Managing social media platforms is not as easy a task as it looks. You need a dedicated social media marketing agency to handle all your socials, as well as your website so that if any visitor visit your website or page, the quick response turns that visitor into your customer. 

Marketing Blink is one of the dedicated social media marketing service providers that not only looks after your social platforms but also turns the leads into sales and customers. 

Marketing Blink STAFF

Jason Zack

Senior SEO Writer At Marketing Blink

Hi, I’m Jason Zack, a Senior Content Writer at Marketing Blink. I have a Master’s degree from Stanford University. I love creating content that engages people and drives results.

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Jason Zack

Senior Content Writer At Marketing Blink